Title IX Informal Resolution

As Title IX practitioners, we recognize the challenges in providing a required process that is time-consuming, complex, and ever-changing. When appropriate, an informal resolution process can deliver a thoughtful, effective, and empathetic response.

Our team brings a unique approach to informal resolution, incorporating best practices, mediation techniques (as appropriate), and restorative justice. If you have not yet adopted an informal resolution option, we can articulate the process for the parties and support a reasoned solution through their consensus.

The informal process should include three key elements:

  1. Acknowledgement and need for emotional support for the parties to ensure their education is not jeopardized;
  2. A fair, impartial process tailored to all parties’ needs;
  3. A negotiated conclusion grounded in restorative practices and addresses the needs of both the parties and the school.

We offer this important solution to help parties resolve a conflict that may not be addressed adequately through the Title IX process. Our informal resolutions always address broader harms a community could face after a Title IX matter arises.